Are you worried about someone blaming you for getting stung while on your property or if someone eats some of your honey and blames you for getting sick?  Or if they blame you for their kid getting stung?

How do I get liability insurance?

Through a special agreement with the co-operators we have arranged insurance for our members that covers you, your bee yard and some honey sales for 2 million dollars in liability insurance. The prices may change but historically its been around $75 along with the an EDBA membership.

You can be an EDBA member without insurance.

Steps to apply:

Contact the EDBA secretary (  ) to arrange payment and to get signed up.  The Co-Operators offers an optional Liability Insurance to EDBA members as an extension of EDBA’s insurance policy. This policy is suitable for both commercial and hobby urban beekeepers. The annual cost is renewed annually on March 1st.

More information and some discussion can be found here as well:  Google Group