How to Export 196% more honey with only 13% more colonies…

Prof. Norberto García from Argentina gave an informative presentation at the 80th Annual Alberta Beekeepers Commission AGM & Convention,  regarding the fall of honey prices and adulteration of honey.

Prof. Garcia teaches Apiculture at the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. He is also Senior Consultant of NEXCO S.A., the main Argentine honey exporter.

He is the current president of the International Honey Exporters Organization (IHEO) and Member of the Board of Directors of TRUE SOURCE HONEY (U.S.A), representing NEXCO S.A. He also chairs the Working Group on Adulteration of Bee Products of APIMONDIA.

Prof. García has worked intensely during recent years to create awareness on the problems of honey adulteration in different national and international meetings.

Please find below a link to this presentation

Figure 4 is said to be the most telling. How do you increase colony numbers by 13% but increase honey exports by 196%?

The research concludes “…that fraud mechanisms are responsible for the injection of a very important volume of cheap “manufactured” and diluted honeys to the market. The use of adulteration by various means becomes the method by which circumvention can be disguised and market share is increased.”